About us

The Hackney Allotment Society, founded in 1979, is a registered charity number 294128 managed by a voluntary committee. The aim of the Society is to promote horticulture in the London Borough of Hackney. We have 9 sites across the borough with a total of 133 full plots. Some plots are split into half plots and we have two raised bed plots. Demand for plots is high and a waiting list is maintained. Waiting time is likely to be several years depending on your choice of site.

Membership list now closed

Following the brief re-opening of the membership list for the admittance of 100 new members during February 2024, the list is now closed.

When the membership list is open you may apply to become a member of Hackney Allotment Society and join the waiting list for a plot if you are 18 years or older, a resident of the London Borough of Hackney and not already an allotment plot holder.

Membership of the Society is £4 per annum, renewable on 1st October each year. As a member, you will retain your place on the waiting list, receive regular newsletters, and may attend and vote at the AGM.

How are plots allocated?

Plots are allocated according to the order of the waiting list, taking into consideration any preferences specified in the application. Members are invited to visit the vacant plot prior to acceptance.

The plot rent for 2024 is £31 per annum for a full plot (£15.50 concessions) and £15.50 per annum for a half plot (£7.75 concessions). The membership fee of £4 is payable in addition to these amounts.

AGM 2024 date

The Society's AGM will take place on 8th October 2024 at St. Mary's Church Rooms, St Mary's New Church, Spensley Walk, N16 9ES. Agenda items to be submitted by 8th September.

Waiting list update

The Society received 784 applications to join the waiting list when it was briefly reopened in the month of February to admit 100 new members.

Social media

The Society now has Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) accounts.

Society bylaws

The Society bylaws were amended in September 2023.

Summer 2023 newsletter

The Summer newsletter on call for new officers, pest control, composting, nettle and dandelion recipes, reviving a neglected plot, what to sow and plant in June, site photos and proposed changes to bylaw.

The Society is on the lookout for new sites. If you spot any disused land in Hackney which could be converted into a valuable growing plot, send as much information as possible to our Secretary who will investigate.