Waiting list information

There is great demand for allotments in Hackney, where many residents do not have access to a growing space.

Hackney Allotment Society manages a members waiting list for plots and charges an annual fee of £4 per annum to cover administration costs. In 2008 the waiting list was at all all time high of 300, so the Committee decided to temporarily close the list to new members. Numbers had returned to a manageable level in 2017 and it was re-opened between 1st and 15th March 2017 for 100 new members.

As at October 2023 there were 17 members on the waiting list and the waiting list re-opened in February 2024 to admit a further 100 new members.

The Society is taking every opportunity to lobby the Council for more allotment provision in the borough and members and others seeking an allotment in Hackney are encouraged to add their weight to this demand.

If you spot any disused land in Hackney which could be converted into possible plots, please send as much information as possible to the Secretary who will investigate.

Possible alternatives

  • Volunteer and sign up for a mini-plot at the Garden project at the Castle Climbing Centre.
  • Visit the Capital Growth web site for ideas, contacts and possible funding.
  • Try to find an area with a shorter waiting list such as Waltham Forest.
  • Make use of any available outside space - patios, balconies, terraces even window sills can all be potential sites for growing.