AGM 2024 draft minutes
Minutes of AGM held on Tuesday 7 October 2024 with Chair’s summary, call for vice-chair, leopard slugs, rhubarb recipes, growing in tyres, memorials, plot awards, growing advice, joint membership info and site photos.
Autumn/winter newsletter
The Autumn/winter newsletter with Chair’s report, treasurer’s report, HAS accounts, joint membership details, plea for vice-chair, thanks to site reps, plot awards, composting tips, items raised and action list.
Large rises in allotment rents
Fears huge rent rises in some areas will price many out of UK allotments.
Tales from a Wood Green allotment
The Patch A BBC radio programme (registration required) from Wolves Lane allotment.
A new plot matching website
AllotMe A digital platform to pair anyone with available outdoor space with people seeking to grow their own.
Ideas for growing over winter
Slides from Stephanie Irvine’s talk at AGM 2014 on what vegetables could be grown over winter, the use of green manures and the importance of making places for wildlife to survive over winter on allotment sites.
Contaminated manure
Powerful industrial herbicide found in manure blights allotment crops. Read the full story here.
Allotments in the news
- Right to grow - Hull to become the first city in Britain to give people a right to grow on unused council land.
- Allotments during the pandemic - BBC article about a Chelmsford allotment site.
- Productive allotments -
research finds city allotments could be as productive as conventional farms.
- Edinburgh allotments 2020 - photographs during Covid 19 lockdown.
- National Allotments Week 2016 - photographs from a Bristol allotment.
- It’s official - allotments make the best bee habitat.
- Growing fruit and vegetables in the tiniest of spaces.
- Landmark legal victory for allotments over redevelopment.
- The on-going struggle to protect allotment land.
- Turn your balcony into an allotment.
- Forget Eton, put your child’s name down for an allotment now. 40 year wait for a Camden allotment.
- It’s more work than you think. Confessions of a former allotment holder.
- National Trust releases land on some of the best known country estates in Britain for up to 1,000 allotments.
- ’A lot to lose: London’s disappearing allotments’ - a report from the London Assembly highlights the scarcity of allotments in the capital. The report also contains very comprehensive maps of London wide allotment sites for those with the inclination to search for a site outside the borough.
- Well it sounds easy enough. A thriving allotment in just thirty minutes.
- Everyone is doing it. Composting tips from a new allotment holder.
- How to plant a low-maintenance allotment and have time to write about it.